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Supporting Afghanistan and its Journalists

Writer's picture: WFTVWFTV

As the tragic humanitarian crisis continues in Afghanistan and with the coalition evacuation ended, many Afghans who wanted to leave the country are trapped and many millions of others deeply worried about their and their families’ future. Like many groups across the UK, at WFTV we have been asking: what can we do as an organisation to help both Afghanistan and its journalists?

So, we are supporting the Turquoise Mountain Charity Trust which has run schools and a health clinic in Afghanistan for 15 years and vowed to continue operating. You can find out further information here:

We have also put together a series of links to help support Afghan journalists. If people have other suggestions or contacts, please let us know and we will add to the list.

With the Taliban now in control, hundreds of journalists – many of whom have worked with international media outlets for the past 20 years – could face grave danger and are in desperate need of help. NB. If you are trying to support Afghan journalists, please do not contact them directly. Any English-language material or foreign correspondence found on their devices may prove harmful or dangerous to them if it gets into the Taliban's hands.

Useful links:

1. International Women’s Media Foundation - IWMF priorities are safe shelter, evacuation efforts and other essential needs.Donate to Support Afghan Women Journalists in Crisis (

2. Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) - CPJ has already registered and vetted high-priority cases of Afghan journalists facing clear and imminent threat, many of them women. It cannot provide visas but receives additional email requests for assistance at CPJ doesn’t have a donate button specifically for Afghanistan, but people can submit online donations to the organization here. (Donate to Defend Press Freedom - Committee to Protect Journalists (

3. The Coalition for Women in Journalism is assisting Afghan journalists seeking refuge, regardless of their gender. They can get in touch at this email address:

4. International Media Support’s partner, Afghan Journalists Safety Committee, is looking for funds to bring journalists to safety and keep independent media outlets operational. You can donate via this link Support Afghanistan’s journalists | International Media Support. IMS said this financial support can go to shelters and safehouses, food, clothes, blankets and other utilities and support for independent media outlets.

5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has also launched an international solidarity campaign and established a special fund within its IFJ Safety Fund Safety Fund - IFJ to channel further support for Afghan journalists.

6. Rukhshana Media, a collective of female journalists, is asking for help to continue their reporting​. You can see their crowdfunding page here: Solidarity with Afghan women: help Rukshana stay on the story | Chuffed | Non-profit charity and social enterprise fundraising

8. US Congressman Andy Kim provided US focused contact information for people stranded in Afghanistan here.


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